Move Strong   Move Powerful   Move Free


 The Temple Builders Blueprint 


  A Health & Fitness program where the Spiritual & the physical are integrated as one; the way God intended.


 If You desire to Move with the Strength, the Power and the Freedom that You were designed and destined to Move with...

 The way that God created You to Move...


 Then come on a journey with a group of like-minded, like-hearted men. A journey that will transform your body, your health and your mind, and even deepen your relationship with our loving Creator


 Our physical bodies are an important part of our lives here on Earth. If they weren't, then Jesus would never have healed people, and He healed everyone that came to Him that needed healing.


 God loves us so much that He now lives in us, our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit. We honour and glorify God by being good stewards of His temple, not by worshipping or glorifying our bodies, but worshipping and glorifying the One who is the true source of our life, health, strength and freedom. 1 Cor 6:19,20


 So, we acknowledge God as the true Temple Builder, and we appreciate, look after and build our bodies up by using them strongly, powerfully and freely, by eating the delicious and nutritious foods that He supplies, and most importantly, undergirding all of this, is our awareness and gratefulness of His ever-abiding presence, sustenance, love and faithfulness.


 And as a bonus, it just feels awesome when you can move free, run fast, jump, climb, throw, lift heavy things and move pain free. An even better bonus is when you know that you are fit, strong and capable enough to carry your loved ones, your mates or even strangers to safety if the need ever arises.


 Three Pillars of the Temple Builders Blueprint

 The Temple Builders Blueprint consists of 3 Pillars, all of which interact, combine and seamlessly function together as a whole integrated unit, the way that God intended for us to function. 


Pillar of the Spirit

Nourishment for your spirit, only truly possible by God, and yet, also only possible when we allow Him to freely do so; being intimate with Him, aware of His presence, building ourselves up, praying in the spirit, meditating upon His word, praying unceasingly. This undergirds, interpenetrates and influences the other two pillars...




Pillar of the Soul

Nourishment for your mind, keeping them focused upon the Lord, being spiritually minded, thinking on Heavenly things, also meditating upon His word; brings peace to your mind, settling your emotions in Him. As your mind is renewed, you are transformed, and naturally live out God's perfect will in your life, spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically.


Pillar of the Body

Nourishment for your body, first and foremost; infused, sustained and influenced by the life of God. Your body is also influenced by the condition of your mind, and yet, since it is physical, it also needs physical things to function at it's best, such as proper movement, nourishing, wholesome foods and quality rest and sleep.





It's Your Journey, but You Are Not Alone!


 The sad truth is, that most men these days are weak, unhealthy, overweight, can't move freely and/or suffer pain when they do move and are vastly inadequate when physically compared to our forefathers.


 If this seems like you, don't feel guilty or condemned in any way, it's most likely not your fault, but a consequence of living in our modern society. Most jobs these days don't require a decent amount of physical activity, most foods in the supermarkets are ultra-processed and not as nutritious as the majority of foods eaten in the past, and there's so much 'noise' from television, social media, the internet etc vying for our attention, robbing people of their inner peace, confidence, quality sleep and even healthy social ineractions.


I just want to awaken you, to make you aware of your true nature to be a good steward of the wonderful body God has given you, and encourage you to make some healthy changes so you can live the potential that God has for you.



Private Community

A private, supportive and non-judgemental community of like-minded, like-hearted men with the same goals, dreams and desires. Where support, accountability and true mateship naturally arise, and mates are made for life.   




Hybrid Training Program

An expertly designed movement/exercise program, tailored specifically to enhance your ability to Move with Strength, Power and Freedom.

You will be energised & built up by the Training Sessions, which are in a few segments of 5-15 minutes each, that can be spread throughout your day to easily fit your schedule.


Coaching Calls

Once a fortnight we'll meet for a Group Coaching Call online via the Training App/Zoom, so you can receive any extra support and guidance that you need to help you to successfully progress towards your goals.     





 By the way, I don't believe in the "No pain, no gain" mentality. You will be doing Training Sessions, not working out. Whatever your goal/s may be, you do NOT have to thrash your body. You can and will be training intelligently with enough of a challenge to stimulate an adaptive response from your body, and enough recovery to ensure your succcess. 


It's time to make a change and Break Free from the limitations holding you back!


  Break free from the weakness, lack of energy, stiffness and pain, and finally move with the freedom, joy and ease that you once did. As a  bonus, you will also naturally build muscle, improve your health, increase stamina and lose that excess weight!




  Deep down, you know and can envision the transformational impact that consistent and correct training and guidance can have on your life and you also know that God wants you to be all that He made you to be, spiritually, mentally and physically.     




With Jesus Christ as your Foundation, and knowing that God wants you to be all that He made you to be, you can confidently participate in the health and fitness program that is designed to build you up, not only physically, but also mentally and spiritually. Get to experience the freedom where the spiritual and physical are lived as one.    


Freedom Of...

Experience freedom of:

- Training intelligently, safely and effectively, with truly functional movements.

- Eating the foods that you enjoy, without the guilt, fear or shame. 

- Getting the support, guidance and love that you need to succeed.

- Being part of a community where you are understood, appreciated and celebrated. 


Freedom From...

Experience freedom from:

- Wasting your precious time and energy.

- Strict and unsustainable diets.

- Expensive gym memberships

- Boring non-effective workouts.

- No pain, no gain workouts that will make you worse over time. 

- Not knowing if what you're doing is actually working or worth it.              




 It All Starts Here*

 ✔ Access to Nexus Active Training App, for your  Training Program, Private Group Chat etc.


 ✔ An intelligently designed fitness program to help you to Move Strong, Move Powerful and Move Free, incorporating truly functional movements  and programming that will invigorate, energise and build you up.


 ✔ Your program is updated and adjusted precisely when required, so you can adapt and progress at the most effective and efficient rate and get the absolute best out of your training. 


  Private Group. Chat freely amongst a group of like-minded, like-hearted men on a similar journey as yours. Most at different points along the journey, but all accepting, supporting and celebrating each other.


  Fortnightly catch up. To further assist you in your progress, every two weeks we'll have an official Group Coaching Call where we can catch up, make sure that everything is still going to plan and answer any questions you may have.


 ✔ Videos and written instructions to help you perform each movement correctly and safely.


 ✔ Receive help with your walk with God, your mindset, motivation and the accountability that you need to achieve your goals.


 ✔ Built in  calendar so you can see what you have planned for the week ahead, and also move Training Sessions to a more suitable day if required for any of 'life's reasons'.


 ✔ Daily reminders of what you have programmed for the day ahead.


 ✔ Form new healthy habits through fitness, diet and other lifestyle guidance suitable to you and your needs.


 ✔ Also upload your weight, measurements, bodyfat and before, during and after photos so you can see and track your progress and results that you are achieving.


 ✔ If you have an Apple Watch, Fitbit, MyFitnessPal or Withings, (Google Fit & Samsung Health coming soon) you can connect them to the Training App.


 ✔ Bonus During First Month: Unlimited in-app messaging, directly with me, for the extra support you need to help you get established with a solid foundation on which to build, (I will always reply within one business day). Also, Movement form checks, (simply record a video of you doing an exercise/movement, upload it via the App and get the feedback you need to perform even better and more safely).


         Please note: There is a minimum 3 months Subscription upon first starting, after which you can cancel anytime with a minimum of only 7 days notice. 





Save $20/month

       All prices in AUD.

Your Part to Play

I'm here to take all the guesswork out of it. I'll take care of the what, the how, the when, the how often, the how challenging, etc.

All I expect from you is...  

 Commitment to achieving your goal/s for at least 3 months. Simply because, it's the people who are committed to achieving their goals, that actually reach them. And most people need at least this long to see real results and build new, healthy, life changing habits that will last.


 Commitment to show up and put in the effort a minimum of 3 days per week. You will progress even better if you can also do some easier sessions another 2-3 days. 


 The willingness to trust your trainer, trust the process, trust yourself and most importantly, trust God. Your trust in these areas, will greatly benefit you, multiplying your chances in achieving your dreams and goals.


 Remember that your health & fitness goals, whilst very important, are just one part of your life's journey. So, enjoy it as much as you can, there's much more to life than just working out. You most likely have a job, a family, friends and other interests that you enjoy. The Temple Builders Blueprint will not only support those things, but also be enjoyable and won't take over your life.   


One More Expectation


 Most importantly, ask God if this is what He wants you to do to improve your health and fitness.

 I only want you to participate in The Temple Builders Blueprint if you believe that God wants you to.


 So, have you prayed about it?

Do you have peace in your heart that this is one aspect of God's will for you, at this time in your life?



I'm looking forward to helping you make this your new reality. 

 Yes, please make sure that you are of adequate physical condition to participate in physical exercise and that you have answered 'NO' to ALL six(6)  questions in the APSS (Adult Pre-Exercise Screening System), or at least have an Allied Health Practitioner/Doctors Approval (if applicable) and agree to the  Terms and Conditions on this website.

 The full program runs for 12 months. For most people, this seems to be the best amount of time to make truly significant, transformational gains and solidify new healthy habits, really making them a part of their lifestyle that they will continue for life. Of course, you can also continue to improve way beyond 12 months.

Saying that, you are not required to participate for the full 12 months, please see next question. 

 Three (3) months is the minimum subscription. After which, you can cancel at anytime, with a minimum of at least seven (7) days notice. 

Three months seems to be the least amount of time that most people need to see real results and build new, healthy, life changing habits that will last. Of course, staying at it for longer only solidifies these even more.

 I want you to succeed with your health and fitness goals and don't want you to waste your time, money or energy, so. for your best interest, please make sure you are committed to this for at least three months.

You will not need much equipment at all. Will be starting with just your bodyweight, somewhere to walk and run, and something to hang from, like a pull up bar, or even a door to start with.

After a couple of weeks, you will need a Fitness Sandbag or something similar such as a sturdy back pack, ruck sack etc, that you can put sand in (is best to put the sand in plastic bags/leak proof bags first).

Once you've been training for a month or so, you will need some Clubbells or something similar such as different weighted hammers or club/bat etc.

Also, around the same time, some Slam Balls or Sandbag that can withstand being thrown.


 The price that is quoted for The Temple Builders Blueprint subscription, will remain valid for the period of twelve (12) months from the time that you initiate your subscription, regardless if any changes are made to the subscription and/or prices offered by Nexus Active during that "valid for" period.

 If any changes are made to the subscription and/or prices after your initial 12 months, you may be required to comply with those changes, this is subject to the goodwill of Nexus Active.

 Any discount is only valid for the period of that discount, after which, you will pay the quoted price at the time of you initiating that subscription. 





Save $20/month

       All prices in AUD.

  *  **   Please see bottom of page 


Richard Phillips  ★★★★★

An amazing personal trainer and is worth every dollar spent. The workouts are challenging but I’m very motivated by the trainer to push myself. Would highly recommend to others.



Wyatt Lancaster   ★★★★★

Glen is an excellent trainer, always enjoy my sessions and he pushes you where needed.



Jared M   ★★★★★

If you're looking to get into shape, increase strength or improve mobility, then Glen is the man for your needs. Glen helped me trim down for my wedding using only my humble home gym, plus a few other weights and items he brought along. I lost roughly 10kg in about 3 months, trimming down around the waist. Very happy with my results and Glen provided an excellent training routine along with expert advice to get the most out of my workouts. Glen was a pleasure to train with and he was always on time. Very helpful and supportive, without the inflated ego you normally get with trainers in the gym. Thank you, Glen! Couldn't recommend his services enough.



John Shearman  ★★★★★

Glen showed me how to exercise in layman's terms. His explanations of how to exercise, when to exercise and why to exercise made sense from the start with me.



Brock Weiden  ★★★★★

Excellent service!



Gabriella Swane  ★★★★★

I started training with Glen to lose a bit of baby weight and then I became pregnant again, his training is super versatile and he will work with you to get your body to where you want it to be! Definitely recommend him to anyone that doesn’t want to go to a gym!



Jackson G  ★★★★☆

Training methods we did was challenging but it worth every bit of your time, the trainer was really motivated to see you give your best and helps you through the whole workout.



Dylan  ★★★★★

Really helpful and incouraging the training was challenging yet achievable and the trainer is really passionate about fitness. Would 100% recommend.





Live and Be Fit with Nexus Active:


 Naturally Fit with Connection Focused Movement. 





* Before purchasing any Personal Training/Online Coaching package from Nexus Active, please make sure that You are of adequate physical condition and ability to participate in physical exercise and that You have answered NO to ALL six (6) questions of the APSS, have an Allied Health Practitioner/Doctors Approval (if applicable) and agree to the Terms and Conditions on this Website. 

** Normal prices quoted are subject to the availability of Sessions and are valid from 15th September 2024 to 30th March 2025 or until further notice. Minimum 3 months subscription, after which, your subscription will automatically continue until you decide to cancel, with minimum 7 days notice.




Live Your Potential 




 Feel Good Now!


  • Achieve Your fitness goals safely, effectively & efficiently

  • Become a stronger, fitter, more mobile & resilient best of You

  • Feel alive, invigorated & energized from Your Training Sessions

  • Experience health & fitness relevant to Your life & longevity  

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